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15th Anniversary Party For Stormy Hill Harley-Davidson

By Lulu


In 15 years much has happened in our lives. Fantastic voyages on 2 wheels, births, deaths and birthdays. So, it was with great happiness that Janice Malik, owner of Stormy Hill Harley-Davidson hosted her 15th year birthday party for Stormy Hill Harley-Davidson in Clermont. She even has three employees who celebrated with her having been with her since the beginning, Steve (parts manager), Julie (moto-clothes) and Jamey (service foreman). Their efforts make Stormy Hill the kind of dealership that Harley corporate should be proud to have in their family!!! This dealership is thankful for all the wonderful folks that frequent their store. And Janice took the time during her celebration to thank everyone who calls Stormy Hill their Harley home and to thank the employees who drive her success. As I was taking pictures inside loud bells went off signaling the purchase of a motorcycle. I quickly located the happy new owner of his first Harley, a very young man, Cain Edge! I am betting this is only the first Harley he will buy from Stormy Hill!!!
As part of the party, a new Harley was given away and at 3pm the look of shock on 20-year-old Aaron Lovitt’s face was priceless. Attorney Fran Haasch gave a $200 gift card away and “Pocahontas” from LAMA walked away with that!
The free BBQ, cake and beer helped fuel the event while Highway Starz was rocking the crowd with classic southern rock and blues.
Here’s to 15+ more birthdays Stormy Hill and continued success!!!

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