Redemption Community Biker Church
By Lulu
Cap invited me to a church in Holly Hill hosting a pancake breakfast for Willie after his accident. Cap was bragging about this church and was excited to have me attend. As a Catholic I am used to a bit more pomp and ritual at a church service. This church was casual, welcoming, as if you were coming to their home for breakfast. In fact, when you enter, the first thing you see in the hallway is a sign saying, “Jesus’ Garage”. The breakfast being held for Willie was awesome. The short service was moving. Bikers are about brotherhood and this church is all about “motorcycle riders reaching other motorcycle riders for Jesus Christ”. Their logo states “Redeemed Forever”. There is a real feeling of acceptance and forgiveness among the members. Big Jim Nolan, Bobby C and Frankie keep the church active with community outreach at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona H-D on 2nd Sunday 8:30a-noon on the day of their Swap Meet. The 3rd Sunday they hold a service at Iron Horse Saloon at 10:30a. The 4th Sunday RCBC has a Pancake Breakfast and service at 8a at their church. The first Thursday of the month they do a Bike Night at the church at 6pm with hot dogs and music from 6-9p, and the rest of the Thursdays during the month they have Bible study at 7pm.Their weekly service at the church is Saturday nights at 6:30p.The encourage you to come early and stay late! The physical location is 555 8th St., Holly Hill.
If you are looking for a church where leathers are more than welcomed you should join in on celebrating God with people just like you! And thank you RCBC for helping our brother Willie in his time of need.