Pony Tales Dec 2021
Riding out of 2021 and into 2022 I am filled with mixed emotions. Can things in our country get any worse? We have so much to be thankful for in this great nation but it seems the people in charge don’t have a clue they are running us off a cliff of “no return” . But I was lucky enough to spend time with Lee Greenwood twice this fall and the people who showed up for his Meet & Greets were such awesome, patriotic Americans…it just gave me faith that we can still save ourselves from the fools that elected our current administration. The polls for the administration give added hope! The problem is we will have to suffer through three more years of the antics of Biden and Harris. It would be a blessing if anyone but Kamala was second in command.
Add to that this constant cry of racism the media and thugs in the street spew. Rittenhouse didn’t shoot a black man, yet without proof every left-wing station claims he is some sort of white supremacist. Anything to arm themselves with fuel to divide and conquer. Yet while at Thunder Beach we stopped in a bar where an exceptional black man was on stage singing his heart out. He stopped and started a Let’s Go Brandon chant to the packed bar. Then said “I lived through the 60’s, we survived the turmoil of moving beyond racism. What in the hell are these people unhappy about? I have a great life. Friends of every color. Let’s all just get along!” The crowd went crazy with cheers. Please God why can’t his message be what we hear anywhere other than on FOX News Channel?
Well, when we raise our glasses on New Year’s Eve let’s toast our great nation and the men and women who gave some and those who gave all…and be prepared to defend our liberties at the poll! If you didn’t vote…you must! If you did find five more to go with you! 2022 is the year we MUST be united and strong for our country.
Ride on a Toy Run, call an old friend at Christmas and don’t forget your sunscreen.