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Ride Out for Hideaway’s Swap Meet

By Horny Dave (photos by Crash)


Tucked back in the woods on Old Highway 17 in Pomona Park is a famous neighborhood watering hole called the Hideaway Bar & Grill. The name is fitting, blink and you’ll miss it. There is a large motorcycle crowd in the area, and they own all kinds of Harleys, custom trikes, and rat rods. Every third Sunday Sheldon and Lisa host a swap meet that everyone is showing up for and you need to check it out.

Local vendors offer hard to find parts for Panheads, Shovels, EVOs, and metrics. If you need a part, these boys have it or can get it. They have handmade jewelry vendors, tools, boat parts, and of course food. James has the smoker going with pork or chicken to feed the crowd while Tommy and Meghan play on the stage. Show up a little early at the bar and get the best SOS this side of the Mason-Dixon Line, breakfast 8-11am Mon-Sat and during the swap meet.

It’s good to see hometown businesses listening to the community and doing a wonderful job of bringing everyone together for good times, great company, and just about anything you need for your bike. When you are planning your next adventure, do a little country riding and come out and experience some good old back woods fun.

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