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If you have been to a major motorcycle rally in America, you have seen SANITY. You have watched them grow from a 10X20′ tent in 2015 to a 20X100′ tent in 2023, how is that possible and why did it happen?

The answer is simple, Mark & Kerilyn. You see them all over the country as Mr. & Mrs. Sanity, but most of you know them as friends and the faces of SANITY.

SANITY started in 2015 as a small store in Grant, Florida with an idea, don’t be like “all the rest”. Mark & Kerilyn had been going to rallies for years previous to 2015 as visitors and riders, not as vendors. And as they walked around, they would say to themselves, it all looks the same, obviously some better than others, but the product was the same. They would say “What if someone decided to be unique, create their own designs and make jewelry American Bikers would want?” WOW, could you imagine how successful that would be? Well, that’s what happened.

Their first rally was across the street from the Iron Horse in Ormond Beach in a 10×20’ tent. Today, 8 years later, they have the largest biker jewelry tent set up at Destination Daytona, a 20×80’ tent with the largest selection of biker jewelry ever assembled under one tent. That’s not just a sales pitch they use, that’s a fact!! NO ONE has ever set up a jewelry tent like that before and may never again.

Today they have a huge online business, they still have that shop open after 8 years, and now set up at Sturgis, Laconia, Galveston, Ocean City, Leesburg, Panama City, Daytona Beach and so many other rallies a year.

How did that all happen, how did they last 8 years and grow so much??

People! They hired great people! They treat all their customers like family and simply put “SANITY IS GREAT PEOPLE.” America loves these guys and gals, and they deserve it!

Courtney, Chops, Kim, and Sherry handle business in Grant at the warehouse and store, shipping as many as 150 orders a day…open 360 days a year.

Shannon, Travis, Stephanie, Darrell, Rachel, Cornell, Amanda, Cowboy, and Brenda have done over 200 rallies combined as SANITY’S ROAD CREW!!! They are simply the best of the best.

So, what’s next…Mark says “By the time the other guys start to copy something we do, we have moved onto 20 new items. There is always something new in development, hell there is always 30 or 40 things new in development!”

It’s cool to talk to Mark & Kerilyn, they are super complimentary of all vendors, they talk about smaller jewelry vendors with respect, “We know how hard they work, we watch them do it every day. They have our Respect! Not everyone wants to or is crazy enough to try and pull off a 20×100’ tent in Sturgis this year, but we are…” he says with a cool smile on his face like he has a secret up his sleeve! If you haven’t been to their tent, get off the couch and get to a rally, it’s a sight to see.

SANITY JEWELRY is now a Registered US Trademark and are very, very proud of that. Kerilyn says, “It’s one of the things I am most proud of in my life, a US Trademark is a huge deal and a sign of handwork and recognition.”

Kerilyn goes on to say, “The life we live is what is on most people’s bucket list. We ride in 20 states a year, meet 1000’s of the best bikers in the country, eat the best and worst food in America…but we work our ass off, no one should ever mistake what the answer to success is, work your ass off, and when you can’t work anymore, work harder.”

That’s the story on how SANITY became the largest biker jewelry company in America…8 years later and going strong.

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