Hottest Ever “Miss Hot Thunder” Bikini Contest
By Lulu
Our Miss Hot Thunder Bikini Contest during Biketoberfest was our best ever!
Twisted Tea was our sponsor once again and made sure our girls were smokin’ hot giving over $2400 in prize money. The White Eagle nest was packed and there was a special treat for the first person on stage drinking a Twisted Tea, he was made a celebrity judge. Congratulations to Fast Eddie a real Twisted Tea fan. A special thank you to La Mesa RV for once again providing our changing spot for the ladies to slip on those tiny bikinis. La Mesa RV is located in Sanford on 4 so if you are shopping for a RV they are really great guys!
Our event is always extra special due to the time the ladies pose on hot bikes for the crowd, and this year Downtown Baggerz came up from Hollywood with their one of kind baggers. If you want a bike that stands out from the crowd check out what they can do for you in any price range. See our Bull’s Eye this issue for more information on Downtown Baggerz. Our judges included movie celebrity Dan Haggerty, Rev Jim from Preachers Cycle Promotions, Brian Crowe from Downtown Baggerz, Brian Facterman from Elite Payment Processing, Gary owner of GT Motorcycles from Pineda, Tim from Texas and Lisa from the White Eagle.
Our winner for the 4th time was Samantha a beautiful redhead that really knows how to work the judges. Our Hot Thunder contest is always the last Saturday of Bike Week and Biketoberfest so put it on your 2012 list of things to do and come get TWISTED with us!
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