Lil Rudy’s Run
By Eric Darrow
If you missed the last Lil Rudy run that raised money for the Shriners Hospital you missed a hell of a lot of fun. As far as I can tell everyone had a blast, Meeting new friends and old alike. The fun run was hosted by Rudy’s Crossroads in Deland at 44 and I-4 at the Budget Inn, Terrific turnout, and everyone seemed to have a blast. As the saying goes, “There are no strangers to Rudy, just friends he hasn’t met yet”. Every kind of bike, rider and car is welcome. If you need a back seat, give a call and let the word out or post a request online at FB at Rudy’s Crossroads. Your support will be appreciated as every drop in a bucket helps to fill it.
The next fun run for charity event is scheduled for May 3rd and benefits Bikers Against Child Abuse.
We really hope to see you on May 3rd to support BACA.