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Landstuhl Hospital Project

by Phoenix and Metric-HD


For all those who do not know about the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center it is the largest military hospital outside the continental United States. It is the first stop for most soldiers coming off the battlefields. In August 2004 Karen Grimord traveled to Germany to visit a family member that was stationed there. Since her visit to Germany Karen learned that many of the soldiers coming to the hospital were straight from the combat zone and had little or nothing other than the clothes on their backs. The Landstuhl Hospital Care Program grew out of the compassion for our military personnel to let them know that their sacrifice does not go unnoticed. If you would like to support our military personnel when they need our support the most contact them at:

Each year in February the AMVET Post 21 host an awesome event to bring awareness and raise much needed funds for the project. This year the AMVETS Riders put together a great ride around God’s country in Highlands County to help raise funds for the project. Upon return to the post we enjoyed a delicious pulled pork dinner, a silent auction and great door prizes from around the community who supported this event. All in all, we raise over $5,000.00 to support such a worthy cause. So, mark your calendars for next February…come out and support our warriors.

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