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Pony Tales May 2018

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By Lulu


Since Kneecap passed away the magazine hasn’t had a political, right wing column. And everywhere I go people tell me how much they miss not only “his opinion”, but also his humor! I can’t really be funny, but I have something political to state! There is no way I can deny I am a Republican. I want every sane person in the USA to own a gun, although I don’t. I want every illegal immigrant to either start a process to be legal or get the hell out! I want the Wall and I don’t give a damn who pays for it. I want the flag, the military, the police and firemen to be respected. And if by some chance a phone looks like a gun to a cop, so be it. If you see blue lights in your rearview mirror or someone knocks on your door with a badge, you better be on your knees with your hands behind your head until the law says, “You can relax”! The work the cops do every friggin’ day is dangerous! What happened to the saying, “Police, stop or we will shoot”? People used to put their hands up and freeze, now they just start videoing with a cell phone or run! They think being pulled over by a cop is a good shot at winning the lawsuit lottery. I don’t condone police brutality or profiling, but if you are in a crime infested neighborhood you should realize the cops are on edge the moment they punch the time clock! For your own safety, please do everything you can to protect yourself from the appearance of being a threat to them. I think the government should run TV commercials on how to protect yourself from being perceived as a criminal. By this point, if I haven’t offended half of my readers it is only because most of us who ride love America and our constitution. If I have offended any liberals who ride I am sorry; but, when Hillary wants to say that the females who voted for Trump voted for him because their husbands or bosses coerced them into it…I get angry. I voted for Trump because Hillary was an awful candidate, and he beat out all the other possible Republicans. I also was given an Ancestry DNA kit for Christmas that showed I was 10% Russian…so send the FBI and CIA to my house – I must be part of the never ending Russian collusion!!

Did I mention I am a member of the NRA although I don’t own a gun?
Thank a cop or fireman for the job they do, stand tall when you hear the National Anthem, and when you’re on the bike – don’t forget your sunscreen!

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