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Shell Shock, Battle Fatigue, or PTSD

By Phoenix and Metric-HD


No matter what you call it, the stress of combat takes its toll. As a retired Veteran of two branches of the military that spans decades of service to this county, I can tell you that joining the military changes your life forever. First, it takes a special kind of person to join the military, not everyone is cut out for it. You must be willing to sacrifice up to and including your life for your God, Country and the Brothers that stand next to you. Boot Camp alone makes you ask the question “What in the HELL did I get myself into?”. For most veterans, serving in the military is the most rewarding experience they will ever have. You carry the memories of your adventures with you for a lifetime and most of the memories are fantastic. However, for that elite group of men and women who serve on the front lines those memories can haunt you FOREVER! We send young Americans out to foreign lands to see and do things that no human should have to endure. We expect them to return home to “suck up and drive on” and for most of them they do, and do it well. However, everyday they risk the chance that a smell, or the backfiring of an old Harley could send them back to a place they wish they could forget.

Shell Shock, Battle Fatigue and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are real. On average, twenty-two Veterans commit suicide each day. That is where PROJECT 22 comes in to play. Project 22 helps the Veterans that struggle the most with PTSD. Ironically, in a lot of cases it is the Veterans that have been there, done that and got the t-shirt that are the ones reaching out to the Veterans that are struggling. Thanks to the Wretched Few VMC for letting our Brothers know that they are not in this fight alone. The Wretched Few VMC put on a Poker Run in Polk County to bring awareness to the Project 22 agenda. They began the day in Lakeland at MJC Classic Cars, stopped at Breland’s Bar & Billiards in Lakeland then off to the American Legion Post 72 in Mulberry, down to the Fun Bar in Bartow, over to the YA’LL Come Back Saloon just outside Lake Wales then back to the Eagle Ridge Mall where the ride ended at the Area 71 American Legion. All the money raised will go to help local Veterans. For more information on PROJECT 22 check it out on the web or contact the Wretched Few VMC at

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