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Always a Party at OB’s!

By Lulu

Party OBs

Whether it is Wednesday night bike night, Bike Week, or OB’s 76th birthday, there is always a party at OB’s! Live music, stunt riders and the friendliest staff in town made OB’s a destination ride from Daytona. OB allowed himself to be crowned King for the day as friends and family gathered to celebrate! Kristie still has her daddy wrapped around her finger and you can tell by all the improvements being made to OB’s. A much needed new outside bar replaced the little cage the girls had to work in, and they can serve the large bike night crowds much more efficiently now, so belly up to the bar for a cold one and check out their new digs. A special thank you to the artist Cindy who painted our Thunder Roads logo and OB’s logo on the fence…a perfect spot for photo ops!

Mark your calendar for June 23rd! Americana Bike Show with $1000 to the Best in Show winner and a full-page article in Thunder Roads Florida Magazine. Shine up your bike and enter or just ride out to catch the show and great music!

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