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Pony Tales August 2019

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By Lulu


A lot has been happening over the past month so I must apologize that a couple articles that normally would have been in an issue before now, that you may have been looking for, still are not here. I misplaced a thumb drive for the Hero’s Ride, and we have not located those pictures yet. I also was to do a feature on the winner of Ricky Bongo’s Sportster Show and I just was given the contact info for the owner of the bike thanks to Brent, so that will be in the September issue. I also have an article submitted on the horrible accident in New Hampshire and a ride in their honor of those 7 Marines which will be in next month’s issue. Not to use it as an excuse but T. J. and I were in a motorcycle accident coming back from the Rolling Thunder ride Memorial Day Weekend and it has been a struggle with a boot on my foot, doctor appointments and just having the aggravation of not being able to get things done in a normal fashion.

On that note, if you make a trip on two wheels to Savannah, Georgia for a fun getaway…DO NOT RIDE your motorcycle on River Street. The cobblestone is treacherous. Two of the entryways to that riverfront district have motorcycle warnings, but the one we chose did not and it is a one-way street with no escape hatch. Before it was over, we spent the night in the local ER and not the beautiful riverfront Marriott that we had our belongings tucked away in. NOT FUN! T. J. is an experienced cross-country rider. He is an excellent safe rider. But we were no match for that cobblestone stretch of treachery or the 3 to 4-inch solid metal track of an old trolley system that caught us and dumped us on the pavement. Thankfully it is a state that requires a helmet that saved our noggins.

So please look for the articles next month that I haven’t gotten to, keep hydrated and dress for the slide not the ride, and don’t forget your sunscreen!

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