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Pony Tales September 2019

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By Lulu

Due to a couple last minute ads I only have a quarter page to fill with my thoughts. I want to focus on two things that are important happening due to the Rossmeyer family coming up soon. First the 2nd Annual Trike Fest September 20-22. This is an event that I would really like to see grow. The ability to continue to ride with the wind in your face is a decision many older or injured bikers must make, and they buy a trike. It is in fact a rapidly growing segment of motorcycle sales. The other demographics sinking money into the purchase of a bike is women who feel more comfortable on a three-wheel machine…and the bonus of being able to carry more stuff! So, whether you ride a trike, thinking of buying one or just want to come and hang out with friends and support their event at Destination Daytona…join us we will be there!

Second major happening will be the 5th and 6th of October and it is the 25th Bruce Rossmeyer Ride for Children!!! Please support this awesome event. The event helps fund Camp Boggy Creek and it is really the most amazing place that allows kids to go to camp with children with similar health problems. They have a chance to experience something healthy kids take for granted all under the medical supervision of experts in their field.

Put these events in your day planner, say a prayer of thanks if you have good health and don’t forget your sunscreen!

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