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First Turn’s Salute to Veterans

By Lulu


The second Oyster/Chowder Veteran’s Salute at First Turn Steakhouse & Lounge in Port Orange was packed. Owners Rick and Denise love our vets! So, in November they combine an oyster fest/chowder contest with a fundraiser for the veterans. The day is complete with live music, an oyster shucking and oyster eating contest, a chowder cookoff with patrons tasting and judging the chowder. A patriotic tattoo contest is judged by Holdfast Tattoo. There was a retiring of the flag ceremony and raising of a new one, the National Anthem, and at the end of the day, Taps was played. Veterans were honored and there were 2 World War II vets in their 90’s in attendance with their families. A young mother won the 50/50 and she gave most of it back. The entire day just makes you feel proud to be an American! Thank you to our vets and to all who came to honor them. And a special thank you to First Turn for all they do for our community!

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