Pony Tales Aug 2020
I am going to rant about the rioting and looting. Don’t call it peaceful protest! Sit-ins were peaceful protests. The first person to stand and yell in a cop’s face, spit on them, throw pre-staged bricks and rocks at them, destroy vehicles, burn buildings, steal merchandise was the end of ANY peaceful protest! My nephew is a GOOD SWAT cop in rioting Louisville, Kentucky.
I am fearful for him. I understand daily the fear blacks claim to feel for family members. The thug they are marching to honor has a criminal background that included burglary while holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly. He still didn’t deserve to be knelt on by a rogue cop until he couldn’t breathe, while his “bad apples” just stood there. But this isn’t the days of the Old Testament…it isn’t an eye for an eye in the U.S.A. and even if it was, as I am writing this, 7 cops have been shot, at least 2 have died, one of them a black cop…do Black Cops Lives not matter? Who the hell are these fools marching and giving cover to looters?
Minority business owners still reeling from the coronavirus shut down now have broken windows, missing inventory and in at least one case have lost their lives in the crossfire. Let alone the total cost to our government that is trying to keep people fed while having less income tax to finance it all. I have seen on T.V. a black man in the street begging the looters to stop and to leave his business alone that he had worked his entire life for!
If these rioters and protestors think this helps us feel better about their race…they are wrong! All this has done for me is make me reup my NRA membership and want TJ to buy more ammo. I would never sit idly by while people destroy our property over a murder that happened in a city across the country by people I don’t know. I was outraged by the video. I felt the need to address the police brutality on this man. He shouldn’t have died that day.
But our country isn’t the problem! Our police across this country are no more the problem, than a bad surgeon who causes the death of a patient makes all doctors the problem. DEFEND THE POLICE! We should be the Red, White, and Blue line standing between the protestors and our police for God’s sake. If the police quit all we will have is THUGS and our GUNS.
Help the small businesses that have been so hurt by the coronavirus shut down, be kind to all races despite the insanity and pray for this country.