Broken Spoke Music, Bike Shows & Rusty Wallace
By Lulu
The beautiful property that is home to the Ormond Beach Broken Spoke Saloon was lively all day and night for Bike Week 2021. With live music by Saliva, Bobby Friss, Stone Senate and Hairball, the bar had some of the best music in town. Bad Apple Bash featured rat rods, choppers, hot rods and a rat bike show, Warren Lane’s True Grit is a vintage bike gathering. Cycle Source featured a custom bike show. Perewitz paint show and Dennis Kirk’s Garage Built Show are always a crowd gathering event. The Broken Spoke ad claims to have the best bartenders on the planet and since some are my friends I MUST agree. The new kid on the block for Bike Week 2021 was famous NASCAR driver Rusty Wallace and crew with their new custom-built bikes, Southern Country Customs. Rusty was very gracious with his fans and enjoyed the meet and greets sponsored by Miller Lite.