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Pony Tales Oct 2019

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As we ride into October and the season of rallies in Florida, we should consider ourselves blessed that all Hurricane Dorian caused us was a bit of liver damage. The poor souls in the Bahamian islands didn’t have our good fortune. This year as a Floridian I will be happy if hurricane season comes and goes without touching the Sunshine state.

On a bit of a political rant in the spirit of Kneecap, I have had my fill of liberals saying we should forgive student debt. I paid for my college working a full-time job with kids in daycare. It wasn’t about going to an expensive university, parties, concerts, $800 cell phone bills, apartments and fast food meals for me. It was about getting a job that paid better as quickly as I could. My ex-husband and I did the Florida Prepaid College for both of our boys. Then my mother-in-law paid for college for our 5 grandchildren. Why in the hell should I be responsible for AOC’s college debt when she makes 4 times more than I do now? If kids are foolish enough to rack up college debt by dropping classes instead of flunking them, getting their hair and nails done and buying kegs of beer all while claiming to be pursuing a higher education it is their bill not mine. Then they graduate with a mountain of debt and a degree that no one needs…it is asinine for them to expect hardworking Americans to pay for their folly. Many people don’t choose to go to college because they can’t afford to…why should they have to pay for these kids’ debt. I am all for the government giving interest free loans for passing grades, but not for illegals…or drop-outs…or kids that are just wasting their twenties in college. The interest free college should be room, board and classes. Period. And interest kicks in if they don’t make timely payments. Not getting a job shouldn’t be an excuse. They need to be more selective in the field they choose to pursue. Trump’s idea to push trade schools is another no brainer. The most important thing we can do is to make police officers’, teachers’ (not professors who I think are overpaid for the junk they are pushing), first responders’ and nurses’ jobs occupations we would want our children to aspire to…better wages, college assistance for these jobs, and RESPECT for the work they do would be a good start. Maybe even house loans like we give for Vets for people in these fields!

So please ride safe while visiting our state, lots of critters on the road at night, cops waiting to give you a field sobriety test on every highway so be smart and vigilant when you are out on two wheels.
Make sure you are registered to vote, ride on a breast cancer run in October and don’t forget your sunscreen!

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