I had the most amazing day on the 4th of July. First off, we went with Karl from Volk’s Audio on his boat to “The Glen”. The ride on the St. John’s River was beautiful and thankfully my fear of Karl being a speed demon was unfounded! The most awesome sight was as we pulled into the glen it seemed as though we floated into a Trump rally. Trump and American flags flying everywhere. Red, white, and blue bikinis everywhere. Watching the polls and some news channels it was becoming very depressing. If I heard one more time “defund the police”, “our goal is no more cops in 5 years” and “no life sentences” I was going to start believing America was doomed. But seeing the patriotic Americans out enjoying a day on the river gave me a much-needed boost. A perfect day with amazing food cooked by Karl on his grill and an invigorating swim to the mouth of the spring recreated the energy for life. I still am worried that Biden may win, that we are headed off a cliff of anarchy and that most of America has lost their belief in our Constitution and love for our country. But I left that river on the 4th knowing we patriotic Americans are still out there and that we MUST not let those beating their chests like gorillas control our future. And if you think that was racist you are part of the problem. When the noose was found in a NASCAR garage the focus was on the “crime of the noose” not the fact that the REDNECK GOOD OL’ BOYS in UNISON supported Bubba. That should have been the news story, not a garage door pull!!!
Anyway, we who enjoy the freedom of motorcycling need to show our patriotism a little more this year. Ride on veteran and police rides, fly a flag on your bike or wear a patriotic shirt or hat. I joined a group called Adopt-A-Cop…you just send a note of encouragement to a police officer thanking them for putting up with us all and doing a difficult job in a difficult time! I know it doesn’t sound like much, but the police seem to appreciate hearing something positive.
Take a ride on a road you haven’t traveled, buy a cop a meal and don’t forget your sunscreen!