The Southwest Chapter of ABATE hosted its annual ride to the Douglas T. Jacobson State Veteran’s Home on December 20th. More than 100 riders and passengers registered at Sun Sports Cycles for the ride to Port Charlotte. Participants were asked to bring sundry items (underwear, shirts, socks and shaving gear) in addition to the $5.00 token registration.
Special thanks to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office for providing escorts all the way to the Home.
Unlike years past when the riders and Veterans mingled together, shaking hands and so forth because of COVID-19 19 the participants kept their distance and exchanged pleasantries. The riders, some of whom are Veterans themselves, thanked the Veterans for their service and voiced Christmas greetings.
Under the direction of the Home’s new Administrator Renee DelMonico, the staff positioned each of the ambulatory Vets in one of the parking spots outside of the building, easily 6 feet apart. All the Vets and most of the riders were masked.
The Home is home to 120 Veterans, 112 men and 8 women. Were it not for this home some of these Veterans would be out on the street. Sad to say the visit by the riders will be the only visitors some of the Vets will get all year.
ABATE is a motorcycle and motorcyclists’ rights organization.