American Legion Post 81 Celebrates 100 Years
By Tony & T-Rex
It’s Sunday Funday and a few weeks earlier I got a phone call from J. D. from American Legion Post 81 and he says they are having their 100th Anniversary party starts at noon, don’t be late. Always late when you say that, but we fire up the *farm tractor* and we are off down 95 to Melbourne.
The party is on, the band Kaotic Realm is playing, their food is cooking, I run into J. D. he says stick around and watch them get the commander ‘Stretch” in the dunk tank. Raffles are being sold and a gentleman whose name I didn’t catch is selling great wood carvings. But think about it.100 years. How did it start? So, J.D. gave me a history lesson on it and there’s a lot, but I’ll keep it short. In 1921, 29 veterans mostly WW1 met in Melbourne to form ALP 81. The post named in honor of Frank B. Huddleston who was killed in France in 1918. In1926 the legion erects their building between Strawbridge Ave. and Palmetto Ave. Unfortunately, the legion lost that location due to the depression. Now Trinity Towers West occupies that location.
We are going to fast forward to 1930. American Legion Auxillary Unit 81 is founded and then 1941 Sons of American Legion Squadron 81. 2006 American Legion Riders Chapter 81 was formed. Like I said, trying to keep it short, but at least it isn’t a 100-word article. LOL.
In 1948 where we are sitting now was donated by Chester McNulty. The original buildings were two Quonset huts from the Banana River Air Station. Roofs were added, porches built and in 2020 Post 81 undergoes a total interior renovation, mostly done by members volunteering their time and service.
So, congratulations on 100 years and if ya missed this party, we will see you at the next.
Ride safe and see you on the road…