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Bike Show Mafia & Revelation 1 Concepts Toy Run for Volusia Flood Victims

By Lulu

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You must love the energy of young entrepreneurs. Jim Lynch from Bike Show Mafia and owner of Revelation 1 Concepts in Edgewater has many projects requiring his time and energy. But he saw a need most of us didn’t even think of and he jumped right in to create a ride to fill that need. After 2 hurricanes that caused major flooding particularly in South Volusia County, some homes in low lying areas lost everything…that would include the children’s toys. Before Christmas there are always tons of toy runs for The Marines and other organizations, but Jim wanted to have a run specifically to help those in need from the hurricane’s devastation. If you are busy replacing appliances, or simply having to relocate, Toy shopping may not be in your budget, even at Christmas. So, Jim and his friends, including the bike builder Kory Souza and Silky from the west coast of Florida, rode out of Teddy Morse’s Daytona H-D with stops at Boot Hill Saloon and Iron Axe Bar & Grill to end at AMVETS Post 2 in Edgewater. I was able to make it through the stops, but wasn’t able to be at the end for the Bike Show due to a commitment in central Florida. I heard they raised cash and toys to help with Christmas and that the day was a great success. Jim would like to thank Twisted Tea, Monogram Plus, Teddy Morse Daytona H-D, Wizard Products, AMVETS Post 2 Edgewater, Boot Hill Saloon, Iron Axe Bar & Grill, and all that donated their time for this first ride. A personal thank you to Jim for taking the time to put others before self! He is a good man.

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