Chopper Time 2021
By Lulu
Each year Willie and his crew take on a massive undertaking to bring Choppertime to the masses. With the help of sponsors like Twisted Tea and Rue & Ziffra who help get the word out, they put on one of the best and largest bike shows anywhere. The front and back lots are filled to capacity. This year was no exception! Live music fills the back lot. Vendors and food are there too. But one of the things I love the most about Willie is he uses this event to help the veterans that he loves and admires. All beer and liquor proceeds go to veteran causes!!! Too many winners and photos to fit in the magazine so please check out Thunder Roads Florida Facebook, go to Albums and find Chopper Time 2021!
This year’s winners: Antique-Bob Zeolla, Classic-Matt Janik, Knuckle-Nick Resty, Panhead-Josh Soto, Shovel-Marshall Greene, Evo-Nick Beauliew, Twin Cam-Daniel Heman, Sportster-Jack DeAgazio, Creative Custom-Thomas Dolson, Triumph Stock-Alvan Eckenrode, British Custom-Weems Motor Co., Best Metric-Gabby, Jap Custom-Kyle Strote, Rat Bike-Mad Stork, Bobber-Ken Nappier, Chopper-Rick Bray, Old School-Tyler Watts, Crowd Favorite-Ron Notter, Willie’s Choice-Joe Mialke, Willie’s Hardcore-John Rasp, Roadside’s Choice-Jace Schroeder, Cycle Source Choice-Weems Motor, Perewitz Paint-Richard Ruck, Rev Al Award-Tino Periat, Mo’s Image Custom-George Casale, TBR-Marcus Orabano, Southern Cycles- Nick Cipriano, Danger Dan-Liam Kennedy