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Crossroads Tavern Throws A Luau

By Lulu


A great friend has a bar that really should be on a pedestal somewhere. I don’t know anyone, anywhere who does more to help others in need than Janice and Mark, owners of Crossroads Tavern in Bunnell. The night we donned our leis and Hawaiian prints the bar was packed to capacity. Sounds of karaoke and coconut bra dressed men filled the bar. But the best part of the night was when Mark offered to shave his beard and even his head (although the shaver wouldn’t cut through his thick head of hair so that had to happen the next day) to help raise funds for a child in need of a transplant. I am not exaggerating when I say these are really good folks, not just Mark and Janice, the patrons of the bar dug deep and I know over $1000 was raised that night. Check their ad out for the events in October and November! Do me a favor and stop in when you need a little “spirits,” be an angel and keep these 2 people in business the world needs more peeps like them!

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