Deland Bike Rally
By Dave Twitchell
Deland, an inconspicuous town in the shadow of Daytona, hosted its 12th Annual Bike Rally on March 5th. The County seat of Volusia County sits dead center between Disney’s Orlando and the debauchery of Daytona’s Main Street. If you’ve never been, it’s a bit more relaxed while still offering visiting vendors, food, music and plenty of Vintage Motorcycles drawn from around the Nation.
There was no shortage of Animals present, spanning exotic Dogs to well-behaved Piglets. The local Cafe’s provided water for the Critters as the Spring heat in Central Florida climbed towards 80 degrees. It makes for a good entrance into Riding season when you can attend a diverse event with all types of Riders without the extreme noise.
Thousands of bikes were densely spread over closed blocks of streets but it didn’t go on until the Sun came up; Deland shuts down for a short eight hours. It’s an inviting diversion with the feel of a Florida town that has held onto its heritage of the early 1900’s and the legacy of Henry Flagler’s vision for the State. Something for everyone there; so if the madness of other rallies gets old, find a back road curving towards Deland.