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First Turn Remembers Woodstock

By Lulu


It was a great day at First Turn when the staff and patrons threw back to Woodstock donning paisley, fringe, flowers and weird glasses. The music was Woodstock era, but unlike Woodstock, the weather was perfect. Leave it to owner, Denise Hilliard, to think of such a fun event and to wear a “Don’t eat the brown acid” shirt!! Ride out to one of their Tuesday night bike nights for some free grub. Be sure to get there early before the heathens eat it all. $1.50 domestic longnecks (they won’t run out), $3 Fireball shots and live music on a huge spacious deck to sit with friends and chill. The address if 5236 S. Ridgewood (US 1) in Port Orange. They also have a great annual event coming again in November Oyster and Chowder Fest. See their ad in this issue for details!

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