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Goodbye to Chris and Crash at Boot Hill Saloon

By Lulu

bye chris

People come and go in our lives. Some touch us with kindness. Some you would just as soon forget! But to be touched by music that weaves itself into the very fabric of who we are is special! And for all of us who have been entertained by Chris Hiatt and Crash over the last 8 years or so, we are gonna miss those boys! I worry who the bars that hired them on a regular basis will find to fill their shoes. Their move to Arizona is probably a much-needed change of scenery for the two. No sense in life getting stale. When you have talent you just move and find new fans…but Chris and Crash are revisiting a place where it kind of started so I am sure Arizona music lovers are happy and eagerly awaiting their return. Boot Hill was packed the night we watched their final show at the Boot. A going away cake was served. Somehow, I think they will sneak back into town for special events such as Bike Week or Biketoberfest so although it was a bit sad, pretty sure I will hear that guitar rip and drums beat again.

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