Little “BIG” Town
By Phoenix and Metric-HD
Twice a year the sleepy little town of Arcadia erupts with a “BIG” bike fest. The streets of Historical Downtown are filled with the roar of Harleys, Indians and even “METRIC” motorcycles. Leather and Lace clad strangers stroll the streets and are warmly welcome by the local merchants. “Big” city vendors fill the town with their array of delicious food and a variety of biker gear. The bike show rival some of the larger venues with some of the most radical bikes on the streets. Historical downtown Arcadia is like taking a step back in time. The architecture, the antiques and collectables take you back to a time that has been long forgotten. This is only the second event that the city of Arcadia has hosted but is not going to be the last. Phoenix and I have attended both events and they keep getting bigger and better. The Little “Big” town has all the makings of being a premier event in SW Florida. So, if you have never made it out to the little “Big” town bike event put it on your bucket list. The next Arcadia Bike fest will be Nov 2nd. So, mark your calendar and we will see you there. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!