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Long’s Log Cabin Two Year Anniversary

By Lulu


So as anniversary bashes go…the Log Cabin definitely, had a little devil in the house. Tonya who pays attention to the smallest details had lit devil horns ordered for the AC/DC Tribute night and the entire place was a sea of glowing red horns. The band Thunder Jack had a standing room only crowd that spilled outside to the tables and tent they had erected for the night. The band rocked the place and I must say was one of the best tribute bands I have seen doing AC/DC. There are a lot of pictures from that night on our Facebook page at Thunder Roads Florida so check them out. And if you are looking for a nice place to ride to and throw a beer or cocktail down, check out Long’s. Waylon is a veteran who rides, and he is also a school teacher. So, support this families dream of owning a great bar…we love them and all the folks we have met at their establishment!

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