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Main Street Station Rocks for Veterans

By Lulu


Everyone from the greater Daytona area knows Main Street Station for great music and huge bike nights. But something I wish everyone knew about Phaedra Lee and the crew at Main Street Station is they do so much for the community all year. Whether she is working for revitalization of Main Street, collecting bikes for needy kids at

Christmas or any number of other charities all year long Main Street GIVES back to the community in a huge way. We attended a ride for veterans during the 5th Annual Rock Freedom Fest which, due to bad weather, was delayed. Anytime an event gets cancelled you can count on a disappointing turnout…but the event was well attended, and everyone had a great day of riding, friendship and prizes.

Seems like everyone went home with something they didn’t come with, in my case it was a hangover!!! The stops included Cabbage Patch, Winner’s Bar, Dog House and Rudy’s. The organization putting this ride together was Messengers for Homeless Vets…what a nice group of riders working for a great cause!

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