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Pony Tales Augu7st 2023

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This summer TJ and I have done an extraordinary amount of traveling. I flew up to Massachusetts to ride back on his Harley through the mountains. To get there, unfortunately, we had to ride through New York City. I was appalled by the trash in one of America’s cities. Gone is any sense of pride in our homeland if you judge it by the appearance of this area of New York. I snapped these two photos after seeing a sign Welcome to the Bronx (which is AOC’s district) on our way to the George Washington Bridge. Squalor!!! The smell for blocks was rotting flesh, as if the Sopranos had corpses behind every tree!!! I am NOT exaggerating. Off in the distance, I could see the skyline of Manhattan. So close to Broadway and Wall Street, the government of New York allows the city to sit in decay! SHAME on the governor, the mayor and AOC!! They should all be out picking up this trash!!! What kind of leaders allow people to live in or visit a place like this? The rest of our trip took us to other large cities; Louisville, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, and I didn’t see anything like this. Maybe I simply didn’t hit upon highways of filth. Or maybe those city officials still realize that the look of their hometowns reflects on the job they are doing. Thank God we still have criminals in jail that we can send out to clean up the highways in Florida so they can earn their keep. Maybe a consequence of not locking up criminals is no one is available to clean up their city in New York!

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