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Pony Tales August 2024

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On the first day of my annual family vacation in Pensacola Beach, I was enjoying the Blue Angels Air Show feeling VERY patriotic in my Trump pin that Ken Wallace had given me earlier in the day. My family is 97% Republicans (a few young liberal minded relatives make up the 3%). They were all arriving when someone announced Trump was shot at a rally in Pennsylvania. Stunned, with no idea the severity of his injuries, we tried to get the TV on to find out what the hell was going on. By the grace of God and I do believe there was Godly intervention, he was grazed by a bullet. But the feeling of relief was short-lived when we heard a man in the crowd was killed instantly and another two had been rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AMERICA?! I am pleased that as I sit here to write this the morning after the attempt to assassinate Trump, that the DNC has taken down some of their most provocative ads on TV and in Milwaukee to try to deescalate the anti-Trump rhetoric, but it is obviously a little too late. I do not care what your political preference is, a billionaire is giving his all to try to help steer the country in a better direction, almost giving his life, and he has at least half of the country behind him… in my opinion, he has earned the right to have four more years to give it his best shot. Four years from now if his plan fails the left can have their chance. That is the way this is supposed to work. They have tried a false Russian collusion hoax, allowed Hillary to get away with the destruction of a computer with thousands of incriminating emails, two bogus impeachments, close to 100 indictments for bullshit, and finally getting a conviction for a paperwork crime that will almost certainly be overturned and now this!!! Well, I honestly believe God had a hand in the outcome of the attempt on Trump’s life. Less than an inch made the difference. Often, In the face of life changing events, wisdom is gained, I hope Trump will also turn down the rhetoric, I pray America can turn down the rhetoric on both sides and that as a country we will put on a unified face for other countries, both friends and foes, to see.

At least President Biden today sounded somewhat presidential, asking the country to bring down the temperature and calling for unity. We are a country that people flee their homelands to come to. United we stand. Divided we fall! Our enemies should not be each other!!

It is hot outside…drink lots of water, hang up a flag to show support for our nation and don’t forget your sunscreen.

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