Pony Tales December 2022
Bobby Friss asked me to share his story about his Children’s Home Network Benefit. Here is the interview.
When is this year’s event?
Bobby: The Benefit will be on Wednesday, December 7th at Quaker Steak and Lube in Clearwater from 6-10 pm. Tampa Bay’s best musicians will come together to raise funds for these great kids in need of a helping hand.
How long have you been raising money for this facility?
Bobby: I started back in 1984 so 39 years of memories with so many great musicians that have helped.
What musicians have taken part in your benefits over the years?
Bobby: Gene Simmons, Lou Graham, Billy Squire, Pat Travers, Robby Steinhardt…and so many more. I’ve been blessed.
Tell us about the charity and the money you’ve raised.
Bobby: The Children’s Home Network is a facility in Tampa that helps kids and families with domestic abuse, family trauma and even expectant teen mothers, providing a safe haven to live and prosper. We have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years including a record $30,000.00 at last year’s benefit.
How can people help?
Bobby: Come out to the benefit on December 7th! Great music, fantastic auction items and an amazing vibe. We also have a GoFundMe page under Bobby Friss Children’s Home Network Benefit. Every dollar raised goes directly to the kids…no expenses or administration costs…I take a check to the facility the next day.
Anything else you would like people to know?
Bobby: A huge thank you for helping get the word out. I’ve been so fortunate to do something I love with music. I feel an obligation to give back to these kids in need of a little help…and it feels amazing!