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Pony Tales December 2022

Pony Tales header
frisBobby Friss asked me to share his story about his Children’s Home Network Benefit. Here is the interview.

When is this year’s event?

Bobby: The Benefit will be on Wednesday, December 7th at Quaker Steak and Lube in Clearwater from 6-10 pm. Tampa Bay’s best musicians will come together to raise funds for these great kids in need of a helping hand.

How long have you been raising money for this facility?

Bobby: I started back in 1984 so 39 years of memories with so many great musicians that have helped.

What musicians have taken part in your benefits over the years?

Bobby: Gene Simmons, Lou Graham, Billy Squire, Pat Travers, Robby Steinhardt…and so many more. I’ve been blessed.

Tell us about the charity and the money you’ve raised.

Bobby: The Children’s Home Network is a facility in Tampa that helps kids and families with domestic abuse, family trauma and even expectant teen mothers, providing a safe haven to live and prosper. We have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years including a record $30,000.00 at last year’s benefit.

How can people help?

Bobby: Come out to the benefit on December 7th! Great music, fantastic auction items and an amazing vibe. We also have a GoFundMe page under Bobby Friss Children’s Home Network Benefit. Every dollar raised goes directly to the kids…no expenses or administration costs…I take a check to the facility the next day.

Anything else you would like people to know?

Bobby: A huge thank you for helping get the word out. I’ve been so fortunate to do something I love with music. I feel an obligation to give back to these kids in need of a little help…and it feels amazing!

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