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Pony Tales Jan 2018

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By Lulu

ptalesOkay, so if you hate Trump and consider yourself left of center don’t bother reading this because it will only annoy you. BUT I wrote to the White House and CNN today just to get this off my chest! How can anyone think the behavior of some of these press corps’ reporters are okay? My exact request of the White House is to permanently revoke the press pass of Jim Acosta and anyone else that thinks they do not need to respect the President and the other reporters in the room. This Acosta jerk behaves like a spoiled child. He isn’t just rude…he doesn’t ask any questions that are even relevant to the day’s important topics. There are several who just want to beat the “Nationalist” drum, shout the “racist” card, and belittle the half of America that supports the White House. I don’t love Donald Trump’s behavior sometimes, but the truth of the matter is he is the one at the podium. He controls the room and he has been too tolerant of the rudeness of these punks! Throw them out. Free press doesn’t mean free to act like juveniles. Free means allowed to write whatever they want. AND I am free to turn the channel. I am aware my personal call of outrage to CNN won’t matter to them at all as they have already taken the “We stand behind our reporter” opinion publicly. My email will be disregarded, and my letter will end up shredded just like their ratings!!!!

But I urge all of us who are sick of this to write, call and start standing up for what we expect from the press…professionalism. I think Bikers for Trump and the Ride to the Wall should make a detour to CNN headquarters in Atlanta and park out front revving their engines. The “roaring” engine would be more effective than the squeaky wheel!!

On a positive note when I called the White House before 9am, the recorded message told me how important my call was and to please call back after 9. It continued on to say If this is a veteran with an immediate need, you are important to us and please call the Veteran’s Hotline. I love that about our current White House!!!

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