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Pony Tales July 2018

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By Lulu


So summer is here and there should be dancing in the streets! The economy is better for most. Rocket man and Trump are shaking hands and trying to find a way to make peace…not war. Hopefully, the rainy days of Florida will let us go back to being called the Sunshine State!

TJ got us out riding on a Sunday in June. We haven’t had one dry day since early May. So we keep our Twisted Tea ponchos ready to throw on, so with black clouds all around us I figured we would be donning them before the day was over. We started at Saints & Sinners where we met up with Jennifer and Jim from out in Putnam County. We were riding with them to Renegade’s on the River for a few drinks and a bit of relaxation on two wheels. They took us to Welaka Lodge next and there we met two new peeps Crash and Horny Dave. Horny Dave has been reading my Pony Tales since the beginning and claims to have every issue! Dave reminded me of articles from back in the Bull Connors days!

Which leads me to this paragraph. Bull died in July 2007 leaving behind friends and a family who miss him to this day! Bull had only started Thunder Roads Florida six months before his suicide. In a moment of pure grief the corporate office offered me the reins of Thunder Roads Florida. Not wanting to let go of Bull or the motorcycle world he rode me into I agreed. What a struggle it was emotionally, financially and trying to do it alone. I did have help and encouragement along the way. Lil Jon, Amy & Shane, Sherry, Kevin & Howie from the White Eagle, Bill from Twisted Tea, KNEECAP, Micky & Rich, Ron, Raven, Deborah, Metric, Phoenix, Mike Miller, Toni, Steve and, of course, Glenn from the Dog Pound all kept me afloat the first few years. But if it wasn’t for the kindness of readers like Horny Dave who would come up and say nice things about the magazine…making it seem as if I belonged in this two-wheel world I probably would have given up. Along came TJ my partner and editor now for the past three years…what a difference! We now print twice as many magazines and distribute to over 500 locations from Pensacola to Miami! And due to his business sense, which I don’t possess, I no longer worry about how to pay the bills!

The day proceeded with us dodging the rain all day. We stopped next at a cool bar in Welaka, Long’s Log Cabin, where Jennifer tends bar. It was getting late and we had one last stop 45 miles away…OB’s to meet Ken and Jeanie. Well you just have to love motorcyclists who at the last sip of their drink spontaneously jump on their bikes and ride along for the final leg of our day long journey.

And that is what I love about you motorcycle nuts!!! Dust off your bike, go for a long ride and don’t forget your sunscreen!

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