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Pony Tales Mar 2020

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resWOW I can’t believe it has been 13 Bike Weeks since our very first edition of Thunder Roads Florida!!! What an insane ride this life of motorcycling has been! I reflect on all the great people I have met and particularly those who no longer ride this Earth with us, and I am in awe at the sheer number of friends this magazine has graced me with.

For those of you who have known me since the first edition I want you to know I still miss Bull and his zest for life. No one loved the lifestyle of two wheels more. I only wish he could have seen what the magazine has become. I must thank Bull when I cross over to the other side for all the friends this magazine created. It took T. J. at the reins to make it financially sound…I must admit I wasn’t good at the financial part of the business as I simply couldn’t seem to do it all by myself. Writing, photography, events, etc. were a piece of cake but sales, billing, collections, and distribution were a struggle for me. With T. J.’s help we were finally named Publishers of the Year!

For those of you visiting our state for Bike Week please remember we have lots of critters on our roads and it seems they are getting braver each year…deer and bears are often racing across the highways even during the day. The police are another critter to watch for…I say that lovingly as one of my favorite nephews is a police officer. But they are only doing their job when they pull you over for running with blue or red LED lights, no sunglasses, loud pipes, ape hangers over the height limit, etc., but these reasons for pulling you over can lead to a DUI if you over imbibe…so drink responsibly and don’t ruin your trip. Drinking responsibly also means drink plenty of water.

And finally, as I always close my Pony Tales, wear sunscreen. Even when it isn’t out the sun can fry your skin and since we don’t have anything to shield us while we ride the Sunshine State, sunscreen is a must.

We have lots of new ad clients who are responsible for us being able to bring this monthly free magazine to you so please use the Motorcycle Friendly Directory as you travel the state and spend your money with those who truly are Motorcycle Friendly!!!

Visit the Bayer tent at Iron Horse or Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona H-D and thank them for the free samples, sign up for information at the Concealed Carry booth too and as I already mentioned don’t forget your sunscreen!

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