Pony Tales may 2020
Wow, we have just been living through the most bizarre period in the history of our country! Everyone on lock down in their homes. Only essential workers can earn a living. A crazy governor in Michigan not allowing you to buy paint or seeds at Wal-Mart even if you are there buying groceries. People dying in nursing homes and you must wonder how did they even get exposed? Through all this, our clients in Florida that own bars and restaurants are at best, able to serve food curbside or by delivery. Most bike dealerships are down to doing service and parts.
In every walk of life business has been brought to a standstill. Parents are trying to teach their kids stuff they do not even understand themselves as class work is being done at kitchen tables. Greg Gutfeld on FOX News Channel was making a funny observation today, stating that it will be a shock to the education system if at the end of the summer kids complete a years’ worth of study in 3 months and with better GPA’s. We all want our routines back, as well as the freedom to go about our normal lives again. BUT we also want to be healthy, so as good Americans we have suffered through this Covid purgatory to the best of our ability. I beg all of us to pay attention in our shopping and spending when this is over to BUY AMERICAN products.
Write to your legislators demanding that we bring our drug production back inside our borders. I had no idea that most of our antibiotics were being produced in China…did you? Smithfield Foods has supposedly been bought by China. I will not be buying their products! I also found out that wild caught frozen fish is being processed in China too. What the hell? I am not a conspiracy believer…but I have a hard time believing that people eating bats caused this to spread across the globe and kill so many people…particularly people locked up in nursing homes!
One final wish as we open our state back up, is that we can get our magazine back on course…please support our ad clients…they have all been hurt by this pandemic that crippled our country. Get on your bike and visit our ad clients, hit a bike night or two, visit a dealership or bike shop and make a purchase. Tip your bartenders and waitresses a little extra knowing that they have been without income for an extended period. I don’t have a crystal ball and have no idea if, with this May issue, our state will be opened back up in some capacity, but we can only hope.
Stay healthy, call a friend to check on them. Some are very isolated. And if you get on your bike for a ride…don’t forget your sunscreen.