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Pony Tales Oct 2018

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By Lulu


First, I must apologize to anyone looking for coverage of events they attended that were scheduled for the October issue. We received many larger than usual ads and new ads because of Biketoberfest so they ate up our space. The good news is thanks to our advertisers we will stay in business for another year! People not in the magazine business don’t realize that you must go up in 8-page increments, so we can’t just add in an extra ad or two without pulling planned content to get new or larger ads in. The missing articles will be in November and the photos are on our Facebook page at Thunder Roads Florida.

On a political rant, I was in DC for a wedding and once again visited our monuments and the war memorials. Went by the Pentagon and it was a solemn memory of the 9/11 tragedy. When everyday morons disrespect our flag, anthem and those of us who take what they mean seriously, I want to knock them out. My sister-in-law was standing in front of the White House and protestors were yelling about Trump…luckily, I didn’t see them. I understand their right to yell…I don’t understand their need to. I didn’t yell at the White House gate when Obama was sitting there doing nothing for 8 years! I watched the reruns of 9/11 on the news, saw some footage I have never seen before. For ANYONE, including Muslims and children not born then, to not understand the rage felt by all of us on that day, angers me. The loss of ordinary people traveling on planes to weddings or funerals, going to work, checking their kids into day care, or heroes in uniform running into save people they didn’t know…how can anyone, anywhere not get that it wasn’t “an incident” as Nancy Pelosi described it…it was calculated premeditated murder of the worst kind…making it terrorism. Heroes crashed the plane they were on into a field to save others. That is who Nike should have given a “Gold Star” to. People chose to jump from Trade Center windows to die flying rather than burning. Where was Nike for them? Our world changed that day, and as a voter I am not going to allow a bunch of uneducated brats think that they can change the tapestry of our country by changing our constitution. For God’s sake get out and vote for our country this November. And vote Republican.

The other thing that I am pissed about is when you see on Facebook all this terrible dumping into the ocean from Lake Okeechobee. Well I was just down there and took a photo of TJ on the side of the lake. Beautiful clear water in the lake and everywhere. The ecology of the southern part of Florida looked healthy to me. Red tide or algae blooms have been documented for centuries and are a naturally occurring event. This year it was a longer bloom season, but we also had a major hurricane which caused dumping of waste into the oceans and waterways down there and lots and lots of rain! Blaming our republican governor or Trump for something that has been going on for centuries is plain stupid. They are having round table discussions on the cause and effect…they are not ignoring it or planting it the way some on Facebook spew. Stop the nonsense!!

Make sure you vote, check your facts before you hit the share button and don’t forget your sunscreen!


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