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Pony Tales Sept 2024

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In the past we would take Letters to the Editor and publish them, but as the magazine has grown over the past 17 years, we simply haven’t had space. James had a beef with my Pony Tales in August 2024 and dared me to post his letter to me. So here it is with my response. In my response I forgot to take issue with the 250,000 deaths due to Covid he wants to blame Trump for. Every country suffered deaths. The left went crazy when early on Trump wanted to stop flights from China. The liberals let people with no vaccines flood into our country illegally. I also am subjected to CNN, MSNBC because T. J. watches all the channels to form our opinions. But common sense is something the liberals running this country the past 3.5 years do not possess. And we are stuck with their poor decisions on defunding the police, the border, the prices on gas and groceries. The uprisings in cities they want to call peaceful protests, even the new VP candidate allowed in his state. Weren’t those riots a crime against our nation? Police stations and courthouses damaged, police cars burned, police officers hurt!!! Then our current Democrat running for the White House raised money to bail the hooligans out of jail after the damage they did. Form your own opinions. After all that is all my Pony Tales was…mine. And here is Jim’s!

From James Mills
Have to take issue with the August 2024 Pony Tales article by Lulu.
Such a false narrative.

Trump is a convicted felon of fraud. Convicted of sexual abuse.

Responsible for the greatest treasonous crime in American history orchestrating the January 6 insurrection. He should be hung as a traitor. He set back 50 years women’s rights.

He continues to marginalize the LGBTQ community.

He has no respect for our military. Calling John McCain a loser.

Not wanting to be around the wounded cause “it looks bad”, doesn’t want to go to military cemeteries cause they are losers that they got killed. All of this is on tape. He’s a racist, bigot.

He’s a narcissistic, misogynistic, habitual liar.

Told more lies in 4 years than Clinton, Bush and the best POTUS ever, Obama for their administrations.
Don’t believe it, fact check it.

Fact check everything.

Failed business man. Bankruptcy of his various companies. Ask any contractors who worked on his buildings. He screwed everyone and ruined their livelihood. He is responsible for a minimum of 250,000 deaths in this country because he ignored the medical experts in regards to Covid.

Oh, “drink bleach, inject Lysol! “ WTF!!!

Get your info from sources other than Faux or the other conservative conspiracy outlets.

Try BBC & PBS or some news sources from other countries if you think all channels here are spewing nonsense like Faux.

In closing. If anyone still supports Trump after all the crimes he’s committed as well as being nothing more than a spoiled rich baby you lack a very important character trait and lack intelligence.

I know you don’t have the guts to publish this.

Thank you.
James Mills
Punta Gorda, Florida

I appreciate your input and couldn’t disagree with you more. I do fact check and the fact is women choosing their rights over the right of an unborn child is morally wrong. So, you will not win me over on that one. The border czar you support has done NOTHING in her entire career and has had 3.5 years of open border policies that we will suffer the consequence of for years to come. The sexual “crimes” you accuse Trump of, are the normal course of life in politics if you followed the Clintons from Arkansas through the White House. Should I name them all or are you aware, talk about liars! And if it hadn’t been for the evidence of the blue dress, he would have let Monica go down as a liar. As far as business dealings I personally know of several New York business contractors who said they weren’t paid in full for jobs that were either not done on time OR of substandard quality who say he was ruthless, and yet they will be voting for HIM. So, in closing Jim, I will be cancelling your vote at the polls, but Florida has almost 1 million more Republicans than Democrats. Fact check that. It isn’t our state that will decide. It will be a close race. I pray that we don’t end up with the far-left female that absolutely no one respects, except for the liberals who are just thanking God it isn’t Biden who failed this country miserably. Trump isn’t a racist. He is a brash, egotistical, narcissist. And this country needs him. But the important thing about America is you have freedom of speech and so do I. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Beth aka Lulu owner of Thunder Roads Florida Magazine

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