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by Phoenix and Metric-HD

As the holiday season rapidly approaches most families have visions of carving that delicious turkey or unwrapping the newest hi-tech device, however there is an organization that has a different vision of the holiday season and that organization is WREATHS across AMERICA!!! What started out as a project by a wreath manufacturing company in 1992 to put wreathes in Arlington Cemetery has snowballed into a major production with over 1,100 participating locations in all 50 states, and 24 national veteran cemeteries around the world. Today their mission is to REMEMBER those who have served our country, HONOR those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, TEACH the youth that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Their mission continues to expand immensely each year. The Highlanders Chapter of United States Military Motorcycle Club help cut the cost of the mission by hosting a fantastic poker run. The day was filled with great weather for riding, fantastic food and ending with wonderful music provided by HARD CANDY. Again, thanks to our fellow Veterans from the Highlanders Chapter of the US Military Veterans MC for all they do for this program and their fellow Veterans. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

If you haven’t participated in a Wreaths across America event at a National Cemetery it is an experience that you will never forget. This year the National Wreaths Across America Day will be held on Dec. 15, 2018. If you would like to donate or want more information on how to get involved go to:

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