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Riding For Kevin…“When You’ve Got a Good Friend”

By Lulu

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Be sure to listen to the words of the background music, “When You’ve Got a Good Friend” by Savoy Brown.

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All kinds of adjectives can describe friends: BEST, close, old, new, good, dear, special, girl, boy, only… And friends often like us, love us, comfort us, help us, need us, laugh at or with us, forgive us and even occasionally hurt and hate us! But one thing for certain is when you need a friend they come through for you.

And on the last Sunday of March that is what over 300 friends of Kevin, co-owner of the White Eagle, helped him experience! When Kevin got the devastating news that he had throat cancer again (he beat it 7 years ago), some of the girls who work at the White Eagle decided to have a poker run for him to help with some of the hefty medical expenses.  The White Eagle has been hosting poker runs as long as Kevin has been one of the owners, and the last Sunday of the month they provide a free BBQ for all the runs that come through.  The White Eagle has been a “Biker Friendly” bar long before it became “cool”.

Our friends at the motorcycle law firm, Rue & Ziffra,  P.A. helped get the word out on WHOG radio and provided a live remote from the event, The Banditz and Southbound who together kept the place rocking all afternoon, the bartenders (particularly Lisa) who bought a Jager machine and 10 bottles of Jager to raffle off, and all the volunteers who donated items for the silent auction AND THE FRIENDS who showed up for the most beautiful day of riding over $8000 was raised. Thanks to the bars that hosted our stops including First Turn, Boot Hill, Finn’s, Ice House Saloon and Dog Pound.

Someone pointed out $8000 is a tiny amount when facing HUGE medical expenses, but probably even more important than the money is the smile it put on Kevin’s face to see everyone show up for him! I know I can speak for Kevin, a wonderful friend of mine, and say that he appreciates every penny and that it has helped tremendously.

The White Eagle girls are selling raffle tickets for a new 4 wheeler for $10 a ticket and will give it away on the last Sunday of May during the White Eagle’s Memorial Weekend Party featuring 3 Headed Step Child and BIG ENGINE! Music starts at 1pm and free BBQ at 4pm. If you weren’t able to help during the run buy a chance for a 4 wheeler. After all you never know when you may need a friend too!

Scroll Down To View The Riding For Kevin Cam

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2 Responses to “Riding For Kevin…“When You’ve Got a Good Friend””

  • beth connors:

    I personally want to thank everyone that took their Sunday and cash out of their wallets to support MY FRIEND! Lulu

  • John Ferrado:

    Truly a great day for a wonderful friend. All our prayers are with you Kevin! Very impressive that so many came out for a man who has given so much to people in need! God Bless you Kevin!!

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