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SCHOG Is All Heart

By Tony and T-Rex

Schog  benefit

It’s Sunday, February 11th, 6:30 in the morning. The roosters are going off. T-Rex has the coffee on and yelling, “You have one hour. We must get on the road. The party starts at 8:30.”  I’m thinking leather up its going to be chilly, but I walk out back and it’s beautiful. Great day for the 23rd Annual Valentines Poker Run put on by SCHOG, Inc. This is their “Major Fundraiser” for the year with 50/50, live and silent auctions, cash for best poker hand and a motorcycle raffle.

This year’s Grand Prize is a 2018 Heritage Softail. The cement mixer is packed and we’re off to VFW Post 5405 in Winter Springs to register, get breakfast, buy some raffle tickets and yes, a couple of Bloody Marys. First stop out is the Foxhead Lounge, and if you live on the East Coast you know what they specialize in on Sunday morning, you got it another Bloody Mary. Then off to Rhonda’s Neighborhood Bar, we love going there to see Rhonda and it’s Sunday, so Freddy cooked up another breakfast treat for everyone who wanted to partake. Rhonda also had T-Rex do a little guest bartending because of the crowd.

Then we were off to the Casselberry Patio Bar to regroup and, of course, we were running late. So, I get short-cut directions to the Green Parrot, good thing I followed those guys on them Baggers, I’d still be driving around Casselberry. We get to the Green Parrot and the Hard Drive Band is blasting out tunes, people on the dance floor so we sneak over to the bar order beverages and food from Missy our bartender, before we can’t get an order in. The place is jammed with over 200 people, but the Parrot is big and can handle a large crowd. So, as the auctions and raffles start winding down, we want to thank all who made this happen and a thank you to Mike Goudreau, Director of SCHOG, Inc. for inviting us and a special thank you for a great job to Karen McBride and her Cupid Helpers…SEE YOU NEXT YEAR—RIDE SAFE—

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