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Sebring Bike Fest 2016

By Lulu


There is nothing worse for event organizers than to have Mother Nature rain on their day. This year Sebring had bad weather reports threatening to make a mess of their event. We almost backed out on our plans to ride down to Sebring, but we had a room booked so we saddled up prepared for rain. As it turned out, the weather held off and it was too bad for those who stayed home. The music was great including the Bobby Friss Band. Born to Ride put on a bike show with some great rides featured. The stunt team sponsored by Fran Haasch entertained the crowd with wheelies and burnouts. The drill team out of Sanford showed off their precision riding skills. I felt bad for the organizers and the vendors because all their hard work didn’t get the crowd they would have hoped for. This is a nice event in downtown Sebring with a circular park smack dab in the middle of their business district where the bands entertain the crowds under huge oaks. Put this on your list of to do’s to help make up for their unfortunate turn out this year. The city really tries hard to put on a small town event that bikers would enjoy.

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