Sorry Charlie’s First Annual Chopper Show
By Lulu
Charlie and Amie at Sorry Charlie’s Corner in Samsula have really brought back old school fun. In November they threw a Chopper Show and I was completely surprised by how many bikes entered! Along with the bike show they had a Sexy bra and panties contest with a nice cash prize. Kudos to the girls willing to strut their stuff! I tricked some guys into thinking they were going to be on stage to help the girls with their panties and judge, only to find when I handed them each a bag of ladies’ panties, that the first one to put on all 8 would win a bar tab! If you haven’t found Sorry Charlie’s yet. Get on your bike and ride. Their 3rd Anniversary Bash is on February 8th with Whey Jennings, Crashrocket and Sam Lowe. See more photos from the Chopper Show at Thunder Roads Florida Facebook, go to Albums and look for your friends!