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Southeast HOG Rally Pensacola Beach 2017

By Lulu

HOG Rally

If you weren’t in Pensacola Beach and you own a Harley, you missed a great event! HOG membership is all about riding! Each day there was at least one ride, some days two! We attended three of the events scheduled for the 2017 Rally before heading to Texas for the Lone Star Rally. We met great riders from all over the country with one thing in common…they love to get on their bikes and ride.

Music was the highlight of the evening events. Early registration was held at Casino Beach Bar & Grill where you could dance with your feet in the sugar white sands of Pensacola Beach. The band out of Tallahassee was Tobacco Rd. known for great country music. It was Halloween so some of the members came decked out in extreme costumes…did I mention HOG members love a party! Early the next morning we joined them for a ride to Pensacola NAS to watch the Blue Angels dazzle us with theirshow. Hundreds of us rode in groups of 20 led by Road Captains that led us on our merry way.

That afternoon lunch was served at Harley Davidson of Pensacola. And our final night in town we spent listening to great bands and singing along with the dueling pianos at Seville Quarter in downtown Pensacola. I really enjoyed this event and hope to join them again when the rally returns to our state. Next year it is scheduled to be in X so join a HOG family at your local dealership and meet your future riding buddies!

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