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By Lulu


If we are blessed, we have happy healthy childhoods and children! Maybe the worst illness in a healthy kid’s life was a bad case of chicken pox when I was young, nowadays it might be strep throat in this generation. But for some families a doctor comes in the exam room and speaks a devasting sentence, “Your child has cancer.” The entire family’s life changes in an instant! Financially, emotionally, everything completely changes. Fear, exhaustion, anger, sadness…fear! That isn’t part of a normal healthy child’s day to day existence. But angels walking on Earth, headed by the late Danny Thomas and his family, formed St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Their efforts in children’s cancer research have increased the survival rate from 20% in 1962 to 80% today, an amazing feat in 50 years! The hospital is in Memphis, Tennessee with 8 clinics in Baton Rouge, Charlotte, Huntsville, Johnson City, Peoria, Shreveport, Springfield and Tulsa. Children from all 50 states and countries around the world have been treated by St. Jude. No family ever receives a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food. How is that possible? People like TEAM CONE!

Cone Distributing Inc., based out of Ocala with a satellite office in Tallahassee, works hard bringing libations to a huge part of Florida from Tallahassee to Ocala. They service 22 counties with beer, wine, spirits, energy drinks, water and soda. Douglas P. Cone Jr. began the company in 1985. Along with growing a healthy profitable business, Mr. Cone became involved in charitable community events. One of the largest endeavors in their charitable works is eleven years of giving to St. Jude! Charlie Ingrilli, Vice President of Sales, spearheaded the company’s involvement with St. Jude by using fun events to bring the community together to raise funds for the “kitty”. Cornhole, basketball, bingo, bowling, poker, golfing and celebrity bartending have made all the “players” reach into their wallets and purses for a great cause! In ten years of donating to St. Jude, Team Cone has donated over $260,000. With the help and generosity of Team Cone’s teammates, retail customers and others, Cone has already raised $32,368 of their 2019 goal of $75,000. Their ingenuity and energy in their goal for St. Jude gives all a chance to be part of the team of angels walking on Earth. So, get out your wallet and contribute, be part of the TEAM and get a feather or two for your wings!!

If you have participated with Team Cone in any of the fundraising over the past 11 years, I know Mr. Cone and St. Jude thank you, as do any of the families whose children no longer face a death sentence when that doctor walks in the room. So, suit up and play when the opportunity arises at any of the events Team Cone puts on each year…we can all use a few more feathers in our wings!

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