White Eagle’s June 2012 Evening Fun Run
By Lulu
Monthly the White Eagle has starting doing a FREE fun run and in May we made a bit of a ride out of it down to Osteen. We were rained out the month before and had a lighter attendance than normal, since a lot of our normal riding buddies were in Myrtle Beach for Bike Week too. But the flock of us that flew the Eagle’s coop had a great time with the regulars at Foxhead’s Lounge. The food was great and the beer ice cold. Heading back to the Eagle we had a beautiful night to ride but a few members of our gang wanted to make a stop at the world famous Cabbage Patch Bar for a quick one, which may have been one or two by the time we got back in the saddle. During the summer the White Eagle will be having this free night ride to a different route each month. So put your riding britches on and join in on the fun!