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Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Ol’ School Chopper Show 2012


By Miserable George

I tell ya folks, it’s a real pleasure for me to cover this event! Not only for the babes, and the bikes, but, for the sense of brotherhood you feel among the builders…it’s like one big family. They cheer for each other when the prizes are given out, there’s hand shaking and back slapping, swapping of ideas and building procedures. These guys are the cream of the crop when it comes to building unusual motorcycles. I’ve been around for a long time, and there are machines there at Willie’s that I would never have dreamed of, and the funny part of all this is, most of the builders are comparatively young, with a flair for the retro-style of scoots. This should be telling us something…right?

Once again, some better known builders were there, among them…Dave Perewitz and his daughter Jodie (the fastest woman alive!), and a good friend of mine, long-time motorcycle builder and mechanic, the incomparable…Rogue! Even Willie G. Both these men donated special trophies for their choices of outstanding machines! Even Willie G. Davidson and his wife Nancy were in the crowd. Lots of beautiful Trophy Girls on hand too, as well as, some hot bands out back…lots of food and drink too. Hey, this event has it all! This year, we even had a completely DRY day, with lots of Florida sunshine…perfect!! Bike Week just wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show. Hey, would I lie!!??

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