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Nobodies’ Opinion January 2012

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By Billy”Kneecap”Braddock

Happy New Year. Here's hoping you had a very, very Merry Christmas. I was surprised when more merchants were acknowledging Christmas instead of wishing you a Happy Holiday. I was impressed when a girl at the deli counter of Winn Dixie wished me a Merry Christmas. Maybe the Bah! Humbug! People are losing. Read the rest of this entry »

Roscoe’s Chili Challenge 2011

By Miserable George

Thirteen may be an unlucky number, but, thirteen times TWO was a big lucky number for Roscoe’s Chili Challenge, 2011 edition. November 3, 4, 5 and 6, saw some real nice weather...maybe a bit cool, and one brief shower, but nice just the same. We rolled in early on Wednesday, set up camp, and watched the crowd start to slowly but steadily trickle in. By Thursday, it was filling up, and Friday saw the spacious grounds nearly filled to capacity. Vendors abounded...merchandise and food...were up and running. The body painters were busy all day and night Read the rest of this entry »

Bull’s Eye January 2011

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By Lulu

In Key West I was introduced to one of the owners of Downtown Baggerz, Ariel DeArmas. I was immediately impressed by the look of the bikes they create, but over the past few months I am equally impressed by the likeability of Ariel and his crew and the great American work ethic they follow. But this article is Read the rest of this entry »

Saint John’s River Blues Festival 2011

By Micki Heckman

[singlepic id=2598 w=320 h=240 float=left]The 2nd Annual Saint John’s River Blues Festival in Palatka was an awesome weekend of music played by the most talented and diverse musicians we’ve heard in a long time, well since last year anyway! Fourteen Competition Blues Bands played on Saturday. The winners of the Blues Fest were: 1st-Al Poindexter, 2nd-Tropical Whiskey, 3rd-Mojo Chillin, 4th-The Electrik Fence Blues Band, 5th-Root Redemption, 6th-Shelby and the Mustangs. Congratulations to all the top bands. Read the rest of this entry »

Pony Tales Jan 2012

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By Lulu

Reflecting back over the year remarkable things have happened not just in the world of motorcycles. The Iraq war has ended. The loss of men and women over the past 9 years has been a huge price to pay, but we can only hope that history will see this war as a triumph of human nature against terror and evil. We will never know what horrors may have been prevented because of the bravery of the USA. We had the 911 Red Knights’ Memorial Ride with an eleven mile ribbon of motorcycles to remember the event that Read the rest of this entry »

Letters To The Editor Jan 2012

First let me apologize to anyone I may have offended by the use of Ron Cox’s picture in his anti-Xmas shirt in the December Bull’s Eye. I suppose from time to time I step over the line, but I have a slightly warped sense of humor and so does Ron. I thought it was funny and although I haven’t received any letters regarding the use of the pic, I have received a phone call and the rule of thumb is for any call received there are 100 that didn’t bother calling. So please accept my apologies…I certainly am the largest lover of Christmas and everything it stands for. Below are a few letters we have received. Thanks to all who write in and let us know what is working and what isn’t! Read the rest of this entry »

Thunder Rider Featured Flame Bike Theme

My name is Howard Fried and the love of my life is Biker Jill. We moved from Wisconsin to Florida two years ago so we can ride twelve months a year instead of five months a year in Wisconsin. We bought the bike two years ago when we moved here. It is a 2005 custom chopper with Read the rest of this entry »

Sharon Kitts’ Run At The Iron Horse

By Amy Poole

Doing a poker run for one of “our” own is never easy, but everyone that knows Sharon Kitts, and some that didn’t, supported her in every which way. I have to say I hear people say they don’t believe in the biker community and what they do for each other, but once again we proved them wrong with the way the support was shown for Sharon. Sharon was hit on her motorcycle resulting in serious injuries, including the loss of her lower leg. She is a big part of the biker community and Read the rest of this entry »

Nobodies’ Opinion December 2011

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By Billy”Kneecap”Braddock

Here we are coming to the end of another year, and it will soon be time to say Merry Christmas. I don't say Happy Holidays because I'm “Politically Incorrect”. Read the rest of this entry »

Phil Peterson’s 39th Key West Poker Run

By Lulu Every year in September the Peterson’s Harley turns into the start up point for a 5 card stop to Key West. If you haven’t ridden in this one you should put it on your calendar for next year. Not only is it a wild and crazy weekend, it also raises money for the Diabetes Research Institute and the Key West Sunrise Rotary Club. AND you might win a Harley! This year the stops included Gilbert’s Resort & Tiki Bar in Key Largo, Lorelei at mile marker 82, The Island Fish Company in Marathon, Boondocks in Ramrod Key and the final stop Conch Republic in Key West. As usual, we always have a few stops of our own along the way which includes a visit to Robbie’s to watch the tarpon feeding Read the rest of this entry »

Bull’s Eye December 2011

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By Lulu

This month’s Bull’s Eye is a personal friend of mine. He is adored by anyone who knows him. Ron Cox has written for Thunder Roads for several years now and is an avid motorcycle enthusiast with a jolly sense of humor, as you can see from the pictures he sent! Read the rest of this entry »

Tampa Bay Ride for Kids 2011

By Deborah Speicher Last year, a fellow riding buddy asked me to support an annual ride that he had been doing for some years now. So on Sunday, November 6, 2011 I joined him and about 300 other riders for the annual Ride for Kids to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The ride started and ended at the Walter Heinrich Training Center out on County Road 39 in Lithia, which gave us a great starting point for some scenic riding. Read the rest of this entry »

Pony Tales December 2011

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By Lulu

As we end the year, I have so much to be thankful for and so much to be hopeful for in 2012. Thankful is for the family and friends that I have in the biker community. Thankful is that I haven’t needed them to rally around me for any catastrophe. Thankful is that my friends who have faced grave illness or injuries, this year are still here…cured, in remission, healed or still fighting a brave fight! Read the rest of this entry »

Spooks ‘N Scoots 2011

By Miserable George Hey, you all know me...maybe...but at any rate, I tell it like it is, and so it is with Spooks & Scoots, 2011. This event (the 31st Annual) had just about all the negative crap you could think of going against it this year: the recession, other local events, and…the weather. All these things made for a smaller crowd...smaller yes, but not less enthusiastic! Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome Home Celebration

By Metric and Phoenix [singlepic id=2298 w=150 h=113 float=left]By the time you read this article Veterans Day will have come and gone, but in my mind every day should be Veterans Day. If it was not for the Veterans we would not have a need to celebrate any day. Of all the wars that the United States of America has been involved in the Vietnam War Veteran returned home to a much different “Welcome Home” than previous wars Read the rest of this entry »