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Bike Week Thunder Roads Florida’s Not to Miss List

While Bike Week is all about motorcycles, there are all kinds of places, people and sights to see while in the Daytona area. Below we have listed some of the scheduled events we think you should try to attend if you are in town for the famous Bike Week 2011. Read the rest of this entry »

A Big New Years Day with Big Engine at the White Eagle

I must be getting old since I have not gone out for New Years in sometime. You always hear about the horror stories of Check Points, how many people were arrested for DUIs and the media insisting on designated drivers. Well this year I had a chance to go out with a designated driver and found myself at The White Eagle with camera in hand. Wow - What a Party!! Read the rest of this entry »

Pony Tales Feb 2011

Pony Tales headerWith all the crazy stuff in the world such as the shooting in Arizona, I am thrilled when I meet just plain GREAT people. It renews my faith in the world and often, it is as simple as people going out of their way to be nice when giving directions or serving a cocktail. That is the kind of people we met on a recent trip to Nassau County that we covered in our County by County article this month. Read the rest of this entry »

County by County Riding Florida… Nassau County, Home of Amelia Island

By LuLu County by County is the first of a monthly article we will feature. We hope to bring you interesting spots to visit in each county of our wonderful and diverse state. As bikers, we love to explore the ribbons of highway that take us on our adventures. We often have time limits that cause us to miss interesting biker friendly bars, local great food spots and beautiful roads to ride. Thunder Roads used questionaires that locals filled out to name their favorite places to drink, eat and ride. We tried to hit as many of these spots as possible to give you a taste of the county. We will keep the monthly articles archived on our new website,, and extra photos will be posted there too. Read the rest of this entry »

Bull’s Eye Feb 2011

Bull's Eye headerBy LuLu

Each month this column features someone who loves to ride and this month is no exception. David Sweat from Ponce Inlet has been riding since 15. He started on a Suzuki RM 250 and began riding with friends. He presently owns a 2003 Fat Boy and you will see him regularly on local charity rides. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, he was raised in North Carolina. He attended college at East Carolina and Law School at Nova in Ft. Lauderdale. Another passion for David is surfing so living on the east coast of Florida fits perfectly. David rides because he loves the freedom of riding. On the bike he can really get away from his office and the stress. Read the rest of this entry »

Nobodies’ Opinion Feb 2011

Nobodies Opinion Header Is February the month of Love? Well, it starts with the 1st being "Work Naked Day". Then, we have "National Condom Day" (14th) which coincides with "Valentines Day". Guys if you want to celebrate "National Condom Day" don't forget to stop at the jewelry, flower, candy and Hallmark stores. I was bitten by the Love Bug once and had extreme heart palpitations, but I found the cure "MARRIAGE". The bug must have been a Tsetse Fly because the marriage lasted as long as its life span and she had sleeping disease during most of it. Read the rest of this entry »

Pony Tales Jan 2011

Pony Tales headerNew Year’s are a blessing, a fresh start…another year. As a dear friend lies in a hospital bed with bleak news, I am reminded how precious each new year is. I am also reminded how precious friends are and how important that we make time for them, forgive them and ask forgiveness. Time is the precious gift we give of ourselves to one another. My dear friend has walked with me through some of my darkest days and given them light. She has followed me on my crazy escapades from Sturgis to Key West and even to the Playboy Mansion. Read the rest of this entry »

Nobodies’ Opinion Jan 2011

Nobodies Opinion Header Don't fill up your Depends when you read this. I'm not going to write anything political in this article. Plus, I'm going to try not to offend anybody, even though I realize that offending the Brain Dead allows them to feel some sort of emotion, which they normally are inherently lacking. I always enjoy both Christmas and the New Years celebration. New Years is the oldest of all Holidays. It dates back 4,000 years to Babylon, celebrated in spring, and lasted 11 days (sounds like my kind of party). Read the rest of this entry »

Bull’s Eye Jan 2011

Bull's Eye headerBy Kneecap

We, in Florida, fear few things except a woman with a knife, a man with a gun and a Yankee with a U-Haul. Jim Plesz changed our mind how people from the north come to Florida. Jim came down on a Harley-Davidson with a sidecar. After 20 years of snowbirding, Jim finally became a Damn Yankee in 2005 when he bought a house in Flagler Beach. Jim Plesz was born in Harvey, Illinois J Pleszand moved to Indiana in 1970. After doing a tour in Vietnam Read the rest of this entry »