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Christmas in the Swamp

By Lulu


Out in “The Swamp” some miraculous things happen. The Green Swamp Chapter of the Nam Knights of America MC put on Christmas in the Swamp and collected over 1000 toys and had over 200 attendees to help out children in need in the Groveland area. I was supposed to make it to this event which I have been lucky enough to attend in the past, but an I4 traffic jam kept me from getting there, so I had to rely on members of the Nam Knights and friends to provide the photos of the day’s festivities. This group of Vietnam Veterans are one of the most active in any community. Not only do they host this huge event in the Swamp each year, but they are also on site at Gator Harley tending the bar to raise money for their charitable causes. A big one coming up on March 4th is the presentation of a trike they purchased for an injured Afghanistan veteran, Shawn Burke, who lost a leg in his service to our country. Shawn loved to ride his Harley so they anted up the funds and are bringing him to Florida to honor his service with this bike and get him back in the wind. So, if these big teddy bears haven’t done enough for our country by serving in our military, when you thank them for their services…know they continue to serve anyway they can! Join them on March 4th and make this veteran feel special. It starts at 11am at The Swamp, 17450 Tuscanooga Rd. in Groveland. They are also celebrating their 10th Anniversary that day.

Seats And Saddles December 2022

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Grandview Live Pole Dancing Competition Finals 2022

By Lulu

Once again, this contest surpasses anything you think a human can do with their bodies. These girls are all extraordinary athletes! This contest starts in July and runs through October each year, every other Tuesday. Girls from all over come to show their talent. This year I would have hated to have to judge these girls. They all had excellent stage presence, athletic skills, and great looks! Frank Scott from Rock of Daytona emceed the event and Joe was there to hand the winner her $1500 grand prize.

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By Lulu

Last minute ads in November kept me from running the entire photos from the Ladies in Leather 2022 event in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Here are a few more photos from this great event for women. Look for their 2023 event, at the time of this issue we don’t have a confirmed date and city.

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Unity Ride

By Tony And Harley Quinn


Well, it’s that time of year again, Halloween, so a few weeks before I run into Jersey Jim from American Legion Post 117 and he tells me about the ride going on. Then an e-mail from Brian Yancey, director of the AL117 Riders comes, and I tell T-Rex get a costume, were going for a ride.

So, on Saturday two days before Halloween, T-Rex is dressing up as ” Harley Quinn” and we’re off, but first a stop to pick up Jeff and Mayhem. Mayhem thinks it’s St. Patty’s Day, but what’s Halloween without your favorite Leprechaun. So, we head down to Post 1 to sign up and get some grub. We line them up and we head down Route 1 to Post 359 in costume and the looks start. Next its Post 348 in the Port, so here comes the freak show down the B-Line. Think people were moving out of the way. At the 348 Paula the bartender ask’s where’s T-Rex, just shook my head and told her she was just talking to her. Of course, that was before the make-up started to run under the warm day we were having. Now up Route 520 to Post 22 for a cool beverage on the new back deck. We wake Big Tom up and tell him to join us for the rest of the ride and he shows right up. Now it’s the home stretch to Post 163 and the 81 for more adult beverages. Then up to Malabar Rd., cross under 95 to the finish line at Post 117. We buy some drink tickets have some great conversation with some spooky people as we get ready for the Halloween party we must get to.

But the Unity Ride had great weather and a good turnout. The objective was, just go for a ride. We stayed at each post about a half hour and rode to the next. And most of us had parties to go to that night. So, by the time we got back to our post the make-up was gone, didn’t win a prize but had a great 100-mile ride.

Ride Safe and Merry Christmas!

Pony Tales December 2022

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frisBobby Friss asked me to share his story about his Children’s Home Network Benefit. Here is the interview.

When is this year’s event?

Bobby: The Benefit will be on Wednesday, December 7th at Quaker Steak and Lube in Clearwater from 6-10 pm. Tampa Bay’s best musicians will come together to raise funds for these great kids in need of a helping hand.

How long have you been raising money for this facility?

Bobby: I started back in 1984 so 39 years of memories with so many great musicians that have helped.

What musicians have taken part in your benefits over the years?

Bobby: Gene Simmons, Lou Graham, Billy Squire, Pat Travers, Robby Steinhardt…and so many more. I’ve been blessed.

Tell us about the charity and the money you’ve raised.

Bobby: The Children’s Home Network is a facility in Tampa that helps kids and families with domestic abuse, family trauma and even expectant teen mothers, providing a safe haven to live and prosper. We have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years including a record $30,000.00 at last year’s benefit.

How can people help?

Bobby: Come out to the benefit on December 7th! Great music, fantastic auction items and an amazing vibe. We also have a GoFundMe page under Bobby Friss Children’s Home Network Benefit. Every dollar raised goes directly to the kids…no expenses or administration costs…I take a check to the facility the next day.

Anything else you would like people to know?

Bobby: A huge thank you for helping get the word out. I’ve been so fortunate to do something I love with music. I feel an obligation to give back to these kids in need of a little help…and it feels amazing!

BDBS “Bikers Doing Biker Shit” at Howlin Wolf

By Lulu


Tried to tell TJ what an old school event BDBS was, but until he rode out to Melrose with me, he had no idea. Burn outs, bike show, pole dancing, half-dressed girls, bikini bike wash, a great band, booze and beer what more could a biker want on a beautiful sunny day? The owners of Howlin Wolf, Mark and Jamie, are more than happy to host this event twice a year! Get on your damn bikes and ride out to Howlin Wolf for one of these parties…or anytime…this is a cool joint!

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The Boat Bar’s Mystery Ride October

By Lulu


Each month a group of avid riders show up to put some miles on their tires. In October we had a huge group with a lot of Mystery Ride virgins! The crowd took off and headed south on US 1 from Port Orange to New Smyrna Beach and landed at Bay 3 Bar for a cold one. Next stop was at the Alibi Bar & Grill in Geneva for a quick bite to eat. Mr. Twisted Tea himself, Bill Grotto would be happy, as more than half sitting at the bar were drinking Twisted Tea! Back on the saddle and we rode to Sanford to Rhonda’s Neighborhood Bar for a bit of hula hooping! Last stop before dinner was Sorry Charlie’s Corner, they are featuring music a few times a month so check out their ad in the magazine. Back at Tony’s Boat we had spread of chicken, pizza and more. The 50/50 was won by a mystery ride virgin! Join us for an upcoming ride, we are nice peeps, mostly!

Remembering 911 in Bunnell

By Lulu


For 16 years now Joe Vece and great patriots take time out of their busy lives to put on a moving tribute to the lives lost on 9/11 and those who continue to suffer the effects of that day. The ride starts with the ceremony and registration at the Flagler Government Service Building in Bunnell. The ride through the country ended this year at Ike’s Saloon in Bunnell for a great lunch. I was out of the state this year, so Sherry Fletcher attended and shot some photos for the article. The Knights of Inferno and The Punishers MC of Flagler organize the event and do a fantastic job. A special thank you to Politis & Matovina, Monster Motorcycles, Ike’s Saloon, Flagler County and Tropical Enterprise for their sponsorship and help with the event. And to all who won’t let a year go by without a day of somber reflection!

Ride Out for Hideaway’s Swap Meet

By Horny Dave (photos by Crash)


Tucked back in the woods on Old Highway 17 in Pomona Park is a famous neighborhood watering hole called the Hideaway Bar & Grill. The name is fitting, blink and you’ll miss it. There is a large motorcycle crowd in the area, and they own all kinds of Harleys, custom trikes, and rat rods. Every third Sunday Sheldon and Lisa host a swap meet that everyone is showing up for and you need to check it out.

Local vendors offer hard to find parts for Panheads, Shovels, EVOs, and metrics. If you need a part, these boys have it or can get it. They have handmade jewelry vendors, tools, boat parts, and of course food. James has the smoker going with pork or chicken to feed the crowd while Tommy and Meghan play on the stage. Show up a little early at the bar and get the best SOS this side of the Mason-Dixon Line, breakfast 8-11am Mon-Sat and during the swap meet.

It’s good to see hometown businesses listening to the community and doing a wonderful job of bringing everyone together for good times, great company, and just about anything you need for your bike. When you are planning your next adventure, do a little country riding and come out and experience some good old back woods fun.

Saints & Sinners Pub Destination MUSIC!

By Lulu


Patti Miracle has taken over the reins at Saints & Sinners Pub in Ormond Beach. Having been in the bar and entertainment business for most of her life and being a native-born Daytona girl…Patti knows what people are looking for to enjoy a night out. Patti’s first bar was the old Countrytime Pub in Bunnell back in 1995. She owned Roadside Tavern, a busy party spot in Port Orange from 2011-2015. Patti then ventured into radio, starting The Rock of Daytona, which she still owns. In addition, she opened Downtown Daytona Live and Seaside Tavern. Presently she is turning it up at Saints & Sinners Pub at Destination Daytona and is looking forward to continuing to build the Saints & Sinners activities and following. The bar is a full liquor bar, with ice cold beer, friendly bar staff, GIANT sandwiches, and a great new food menu. Cornhole is every Thursday night at 7pm (Weather permitting). The monthly Biker Jam is held on the first Saturday of the month with live music from 1-5pm. The second Sunday of every month is Super Swap Meet Sunday with live music from 1-5pm. Vendor spots are available for $10.00, and all the proceeds go to a designated charity. Sites open at 8am and shoppers shop for free. Friday is bike night with live music from 6-10pm. We recently attended Bike Night and Big Engine was rocking the pub stage while we enjoyed $5 food and drink specials. Music is featured Saturday & Sunday 1-5pm. Perfect spot to sit while your bike loving significant other shops at the dealership! Saints will be closed Christmas. Make your plans to join the party on New Year’s Eve! Hypersona starts at 9pm, free champagne toast and VIP-packages are available. Get on your bikes and ride out to Saints & Sinners Pub at 1635 N US Highway 1 in Ormond Beach. Visit their Facebook page for complete live music schedule. Save the date for the 2nd Annual Women’s Music Fest February 3-5, 2023, featuring Jasmine Cain and other local female vocalists.

OB’s Halloween Bash          

by Jeani G.


So many unique and amazing costumes at this year’s Halloween bash … with over 30 contestants, the judges sure had a tricky time selecting their favorites!

1st Place $1,000 cash was awarded to the striking Viking couple Matt & Kristen, who have ten children and were so thrilled to win!  2nd Place $100 OB’s gift card went to the 8ft Big F*#ckin’ Zombie Ron, who terrifyingly towered above the crowd; and the 3rd Place $50 OB’s gift card winner was the Ancient Druid Jack, a sculptor who created his mask from a cow pelvis.  Be sure to check out all the great costumes on Thunder Roads Florida Facebook!

Jasmine Cain rocked the stage as an adorable Wednesday from the Addams Family – the band played a great mix of classic and modern rock, pop, metal, and several awesome originals!

OB’s scary and sexy staff were wickedly busy slinging drinks and serving food to keep the creepy crowd hauntingly happy all night long. The monster mash was so much fun we can hardly wait for next year!

Pirate’s Pub Too Broke for Sturgis Party

By Lulu


Tucked away in Paisley is a favorite destination for those who like to get on their bike and ride. Pirate’s Pub is a full liquor bar that serves ice cold beer for those who like the lighter stuff. The owner of Pirate’s is Mark and he throws a yearly bash in August that he named “Too Broke for Sturgis.” Since gas was outrageous this year we stayed in Florida and joined in the festivities in Paisley. This year Gunshy played their hearts out to the crowd. I saw folks from as far south as Sebastian, and Mark, the owner of the Alibi in Geneva, also came to spend the day under the oaks. The ladies from Stilletos on Steel made us happy by posting a video on their site of the photos from that day. If you aren’t heading to Sturgis, ride out to Paisley next August for the party, but don’t forget they are always happy all year long to toss you a longneck or mix you a cocktail.

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Crossroads Tavern Throws A Luau

By Lulu


A great friend has a bar that really should be on a pedestal somewhere. I don’t know anyone, anywhere who does more to help others in need than Janice and Mark, owners of Crossroads Tavern in Bunnell. The night we donned our leis and Hawaiian prints the bar was packed to capacity. Sounds of karaoke and coconut bra dressed men filled the bar. But the best part of the night was when Mark offered to shave his beard and even his head (although the shaver wouldn’t cut through his thick head of hair so that had to happen the next day) to help raise funds for a child in need of a transplant. I am not exaggerating when I say these are really good folks, not just Mark and Janice, the patrons of the bar dug deep and I know over $1000 was raised that night. Check their ad out for the events in October and November! Do me a favor and stop in when you need a little “spirits,” be an angel and keep these 2 people in business the world needs more peeps like them!

Cool Joint: Chris’ Lounge

By Lulu


One of our longest ad clients is a bar that has a LONG history in the Daytona area. Chris’ Lounge has been family owned and operated for over 32 years. Chris was the owner when the bar first started with Thunder Roads Florida years ago. Now Gina, Chris’ daughter, has been at the helm since the passing of her mom. Her staff keeps the place hopping! Known for stiff drinks, rowdy fun, best of bartenders, free warm popcorn and other goodies at time, ice cold beer, pool, darts and being open every day from 7am-2a this is a locals favorite place to hang out. Chris’ Lounge is located at 1301 Ridgewood Ave., in Holly Hill. You know you have found it when you see the military man out front of the peach building.

Gina has recently opened “The Other Place” (the old Troy’s Pub) at 1040 S. Nova Rd. presently it is beer & wine, but she plans to bring in food and full liquor down the road. Great improvements to the bar have already been made and they have a bike night on Wednesdays from 5-7pm.

So, stop in and see the staff at both bars, they are always happy to hear motorcycles pull in the parking lot!
